The Madden Curse
In the world of sports, most American men would argue that Football has become the most exciting of all the nationally syndicated programs to watch. Or in other words: The Favorite. And why not? Football’s a very powerful, not to mention demanding game performed by equally respected coaches, and athletes alike. Most with a wife and kids. However some sports figures are more powerful than others. And as far as football is concerned, nobody is more highly respected than the man standing in the booth, every Sunday night, calling the games. That’s right, John Madden. A hall of fame coach turned broadcaster, famous for his Christ-like career winning percentage, and equally goofy “Raider Nation” third world-like fan base. Recently though, this Madden guy has acquired a much broader, more youthful crowd. As evidenced by the hit video game series, sharing the same name: Madden. Or as some have begun to refer to as, “Madden Nation”.
Anyways, it is no secret to the gamming community that John Madden has little-to-none influence, or anything to do with for that matter, with the actual video game itself. This has been made obvious by the games decision to simply recycle Madden’s personal quotes, and pass each on from video game to video game, year after year, with no change what so ever.
One thing about the game however is never recycled, and furthermore, is proudly altered each and every year. And for those of you who haven’t guessed it yet, that’s the picture on the cover, next to Madden’s name. This brings me to the topic of this article, The Madden Curse. A little known conspiracy amongst the working class, but to the few of us in the know (mainly high school virgins and college dropouts), this is arguably one of the most peculiar queries of all existence. As the curse has successfully struck both misery and misfortune upon all who have agreed to lend their face to the ungrateful cover, starting with Madden ’99, and still flowing strong to this very day.
Garriston Hearst, a running back for the San Francisco 49er’s, unfortunately was first to fall victim to the jaws of Madden. As he completed the 98 season with career highs in both yards gained, and TDs scored. Only to break his ankle on the first snap of the divisional round in the playoffs that same year. Hearst would not return to the game for another 3 seasons. Barry Sanders was the second player chosen to star on the cover, for the following season, where he was expected to easily break the NFL’s All time rushing record, held then by former Bears Running Back, Walter Payton. However, just a week before the NFL’s training camp was to begin, Barry suspiciously decided to hang up his cleats, and retire from the game forever. An event very much still despised, and sickened by Michigan homeowners around the world. And although no documented evidence has ever successfully linked Madden, EA Sports, or John Madden himself, to Barry’s more than curious departure from the game- People have begun to wonder. And now they’re beginning to speak.
“Barry’s a piece of shit. He always has been, and he always will be. If you ask me, he got off light. If I were John Madden… well like I said. He got off easy.” Matt Parish said; a former fan of the former NFL icon, and a one time member of the Barry Sander’s super fan club.
Barry was not the last to be infected by the curse however. As each new Madden year is represented by a completely new and different face, with a whole heap of trouble sure to follow. I have compiled a list complete with each Madden year, followed directly by both the player chosen to star on the cover, and the terrible shit he was forced to suffer.
2001- Eddie George: Turf Toe, followed by a Career low in Rushing yards. Eddie never amassed more than 3.4 yards a carry in a season. For the rest of his career.
2002- Daunte Culpepper: Back injury, threw 14 interceptions the first half of the season. 3 years later the curse would resurface and tear his ACL, leading to his team’s decision to release him. He was later forced to play, not only for the Dolphins, who suck- But the Raiders, who are worse.
2003- Marshal Faulk: Ankle. Later signed a small contract with Campbell’s soup company. Very strange.
2004- Michael Vick: Vowed never to cut his dread locks until he lead his team to the Super bowl. Is currently awaiting his trial, where he is expected to serve time in prison for his contribution, and underground sponsorship of a ring of illegal dog fighting with his friends. He has since paid for multiple haircuts.
2005- Ray Lewis: Was injured during a game, though few people can actually remember why. It is assumed that this is a direct product of the Baltimore Ravens inability to remember how to win.
2006- Donovan McNabb: Sports Hernia. Lives in Philadelphia, where he is booed and cursed during nearly every home game he starts.
2007- Shaun Alexander: Fractured foot, missed 6 games, and was unable to reach at least 1,000 yards rushing for the first time in his career. During the same season, Ladanian Tomlinson of the Chargers, would go on to shatter Shaun’s single season TD record. Shaun has since then lost both his pro bowl left guard (Steve Hutchinson), alongside his pro bowl full back. Both were largely credited for Shaun’s previous success, prior to his multiple injuries.
2008- Vince Young: So far, Vince has suffered only a minor case of the sophomore slump- Though the season is still young. Then again, Vince has to play in front of a Tennessee crowd nearly every other week, for (at least) the next 6 years of his young Football career.
And there it is the Madden curse.
But if these players are aware of the “coincidences” which go onto follow the act of signing, not only their names, but apparently their souls as well, to the devils pipeline who goes by Madden… Well I suppose the question is simply why?
We asked several fans of both the sport, and the game, to comment on this. John Alpert, an undeclared freshman who asked to be anonymous, from Western Michigan University had only this to say.
“Well if they (The NFL) believe that the curse is real and not just a bunch of some… powered bologna, then why do they (The NFL) have to keep putting these players on the cover. It’s not only ruining it for the player, but for the team as well, not to mention the fans. “
Most people we asked were in complete agreement with what little Johnny had to say. But then, if the curse is real, where does Madden, and The NFL go from there?
“The NFL should start using the curse to its advantage. You know- cheer up the game a little” says John’s suitemate, a Canadian born sophomore from Winnipeg.
This was a good idea, I felt. So I went inside the Lions Locker room to ask some of the players how they felt, and to learn if either of their stars would ever consider accepting a paycheck to be on the cover. So I asked Tatum Bell what he thought, and he had only this to say. “Kevin Jones.” Other Lions were more jovial however, throwing out every hellish name they could think of from Hitler to the guy who shot Tupac, with one player even denouncing his wife. Strangely, team GM Matt Millen’s name was never mentioned. Though there are several photo shopped versions of the cover that can be found online, with Matt Millen’s face clearly shown behind the title.
Alas, and as stated before, the curse does not stop with the player. It goes all the way to the top. And standing there now, next to the great and powerful Madden is the newly appointed commissioner of the NFL, Roger Goodell. And with Roger Goodell’s recent commitment aimed toward cleaning up the game, or in other words, suspending any or all players convicted (sometimes simply alleged) of any crime or misdemeanor, it makes one wonder if he, as well, could possibly use this curse to his advantage. Perhaps instead of suspending his players for simple weapons, and dog murdering charges, Roger could offer to forward the curse onto these players as a modern day, type of doomsday device. Now obviously this isn’t the most traditional form of punishment- but it would be neat none the less. In fact, it wouldn’t be difficult at all. Realistically, Roger Goodell could easily just tear off a sheet of loose leaf paper, from anywhere, and create himself a simple ensemble of the NFL’s greatest douche-bags, while documenting each and every player to screw up during the season. And when time comes around for the next Madden cover, and as the devil waits happily by the bar, rubbing his palms; Goodell can simply arrange for a quite little photo shoot, and let nature take its course. Roger declined to comment.
However, and like always, the Reverend Al Sharpton was more than anxious to speak.
“I just cannot overlook the fact that all of these players are Black. There are still white people in the league right? You’re talking conspiracies; I’ll give you a conspiracy. 32 teams, 32 Quarterbacks. And out of those 32 teams, only 8 of those teams have a black starting Quarterback. So if we got 24 white Quarterbacks in the league, then why the hell does this guy subject half of our entire Quarterback population onto this damned curse, when they got 24 perfectly capable white alternatives, some of whom, which actually deserve to be cursed?
The pope declined to comment.
In the world of sports, most American men would argue that Football has become the most exciting of all the nationally syndicated programs to watch. Or in other words: The Favorite. And why not? Football’s a very powerful, not to mention demanding game performed by equally respected coaches, and athletes alike. Most with a wife and kids. However some sports figures are more powerful than others. And as far as football is concerned, nobody is more highly respected than the man standing in the booth, every Sunday night, calling the games. That’s right, John Madden. A hall of fame coach turned broadcaster, famous for his Christ-like career winning percentage, and equally goofy “Raider Nation” third world-like fan base. Recently though, this Madden guy has acquired a much broader, more youthful crowd. As evidenced by the hit video game series, sharing the same name: Madden. Or as some have begun to refer to as, “Madden Nation”.
Anyways, it is no secret to the gamming community that John Madden has little-to-none influence, or anything to do with for that matter, with the actual video game itself. This has been made obvious by the games decision to simply recycle Madden’s personal quotes, and pass each on from video game to video game, year after year, with no change what so ever.
One thing about the game however is never recycled, and furthermore, is proudly altered each and every year. And for those of you who haven’t guessed it yet, that’s the picture on the cover, next to Madden’s name. This brings me to the topic of this article, The Madden Curse. A little known conspiracy amongst the working class, but to the few of us in the know (mainly high school virgins and college dropouts), this is arguably one of the most peculiar queries of all existence. As the curse has successfully struck both misery and misfortune upon all who have agreed to lend their face to the ungrateful cover, starting with Madden ’99, and still flowing strong to this very day.
Garriston Hearst, a running back for the San Francisco 49er’s, unfortunately was first to fall victim to the jaws of Madden. As he completed the 98 season with career highs in both yards gained, and TDs scored. Only to break his ankle on the first snap of the divisional round in the playoffs that same year. Hearst would not return to the game for another 3 seasons. Barry Sanders was the second player chosen to star on the cover, for the following season, where he was expected to easily break the NFL’s All time rushing record, held then by former Bears Running Back, Walter Payton. However, just a week before the NFL’s training camp was to begin, Barry suspiciously decided to hang up his cleats, and retire from the game forever. An event very much still despised, and sickened by Michigan homeowners around the world. And although no documented evidence has ever successfully linked Madden, EA Sports, or John Madden himself, to Barry’s more than curious departure from the game- People have begun to wonder. And now they’re beginning to speak.
“Barry’s a piece of shit. He always has been, and he always will be. If you ask me, he got off light. If I were John Madden… well like I said. He got off easy.” Matt Parish said; a former fan of the former NFL icon, and a one time member of the Barry Sander’s super fan club.
Barry was not the last to be infected by the curse however. As each new Madden year is represented by a completely new and different face, with a whole heap of trouble sure to follow. I have compiled a list complete with each Madden year, followed directly by both the player chosen to star on the cover, and the terrible shit he was forced to suffer.
2001- Eddie George: Turf Toe, followed by a Career low in Rushing yards. Eddie never amassed more than 3.4 yards a carry in a season. For the rest of his career.
2002- Daunte Culpepper: Back injury, threw 14 interceptions the first half of the season. 3 years later the curse would resurface and tear his ACL, leading to his team’s decision to release him. He was later forced to play, not only for the Dolphins, who suck- But the Raiders, who are worse.
2003- Marshal Faulk: Ankle. Later signed a small contract with Campbell’s soup company. Very strange.
2004- Michael Vick: Vowed never to cut his dread locks until he lead his team to the Super bowl. Is currently awaiting his trial, where he is expected to serve time in prison for his contribution, and underground sponsorship of a ring of illegal dog fighting with his friends. He has since paid for multiple haircuts.
2005- Ray Lewis: Was injured during a game, though few people can actually remember why. It is assumed that this is a direct product of the Baltimore Ravens inability to remember how to win.
2006- Donovan McNabb: Sports Hernia. Lives in Philadelphia, where he is booed and cursed during nearly every home game he starts.
2007- Shaun Alexander: Fractured foot, missed 6 games, and was unable to reach at least 1,000 yards rushing for the first time in his career. During the same season, Ladanian Tomlinson of the Chargers, would go on to shatter Shaun’s single season TD record. Shaun has since then lost both his pro bowl left guard (Steve Hutchinson), alongside his pro bowl full back. Both were largely credited for Shaun’s previous success, prior to his multiple injuries.
2008- Vince Young: So far, Vince has suffered only a minor case of the sophomore slump- Though the season is still young. Then again, Vince has to play in front of a Tennessee crowd nearly every other week, for (at least) the next 6 years of his young Football career.
And there it is the Madden curse.
But if these players are aware of the “coincidences” which go onto follow the act of signing, not only their names, but apparently their souls as well, to the devils pipeline who goes by Madden… Well I suppose the question is simply why?
We asked several fans of both the sport, and the game, to comment on this. John Alpert, an undeclared freshman who asked to be anonymous, from Western Michigan University had only this to say.
“Well if they (The NFL) believe that the curse is real and not just a bunch of some… powered bologna, then why do they (The NFL) have to keep putting these players on the cover. It’s not only ruining it for the player, but for the team as well, not to mention the fans. “
Most people we asked were in complete agreement with what little Johnny had to say. But then, if the curse is real, where does Madden, and The NFL go from there?
“The NFL should start using the curse to its advantage. You know- cheer up the game a little” says John’s suitemate, a Canadian born sophomore from Winnipeg.
This was a good idea, I felt. So I went inside the Lions Locker room to ask some of the players how they felt, and to learn if either of their stars would ever consider accepting a paycheck to be on the cover. So I asked Tatum Bell what he thought, and he had only this to say. “Kevin Jones.” Other Lions were more jovial however, throwing out every hellish name they could think of from Hitler to the guy who shot Tupac, with one player even denouncing his wife. Strangely, team GM Matt Millen’s name was never mentioned. Though there are several photo shopped versions of the cover that can be found online, with Matt Millen’s face clearly shown behind the title.
Alas, and as stated before, the curse does not stop with the player. It goes all the way to the top. And standing there now, next to the great and powerful Madden is the newly appointed commissioner of the NFL, Roger Goodell. And with Roger Goodell’s recent commitment aimed toward cleaning up the game, or in other words, suspending any or all players convicted (sometimes simply alleged) of any crime or misdemeanor, it makes one wonder if he, as well, could possibly use this curse to his advantage. Perhaps instead of suspending his players for simple weapons, and dog murdering charges, Roger could offer to forward the curse onto these players as a modern day, type of doomsday device. Now obviously this isn’t the most traditional form of punishment- but it would be neat none the less. In fact, it wouldn’t be difficult at all. Realistically, Roger Goodell could easily just tear off a sheet of loose leaf paper, from anywhere, and create himself a simple ensemble of the NFL’s greatest douche-bags, while documenting each and every player to screw up during the season. And when time comes around for the next Madden cover, and as the devil waits happily by the bar, rubbing his palms; Goodell can simply arrange for a quite little photo shoot, and let nature take its course. Roger declined to comment.
However, and like always, the Reverend Al Sharpton was more than anxious to speak.
“I just cannot overlook the fact that all of these players are Black. There are still white people in the league right? You’re talking conspiracies; I’ll give you a conspiracy. 32 teams, 32 Quarterbacks. And out of those 32 teams, only 8 of those teams have a black starting Quarterback. So if we got 24 white Quarterbacks in the league, then why the hell does this guy subject half of our entire Quarterback population onto this damned curse, when they got 24 perfectly capable white alternatives, some of whom, which actually deserve to be cursed?
The pope declined to comment.
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